Sydney’s Multi-Award Winning Specialist Orthodontist

Dr. Doreen is a friendly and caring orthodontist with a passion for creating beautiful smiles for patients of all ages.

Your Smile,
Our Passion

Tailored Orthodontic Care for a Lifetime of Confidence

Awards & Achievements 

Invited Speaker at the FDI World Dental Congress (Sydney, 2023)

Awarded Young Orthodontist of the Year (2022) by the Australian Society of Orthodontists

Awarded Milton Sims Award (2018) – most meritorious post-graduate orthodontic student in 2016-2018

Awarded the Australian Orthodontic Board (AOB) Postgraduate Award for Best Case NSW (2017)

Awarded TP Orthodontics Postgraduate Clinical Award (2017)

Awarded the SB ABO Travelling Fellowship (2016)

Awarded 2nd place for Charley Schultz Resident Scholar Award (Clinical Research) at the American

Association of Orthodontist Annual Conference (2016)

Presenter at Australian Begg Society of Orthodontist Meeting- Broome (2016)

Presenter at Australian Orthodontic Congress- Melbourne (2016)

Presenter at American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Annual Session – Orlando (2016)

Presenter at European Society of Orthodontists Congress –Stockholm (2016)


Publications – Original Articles

Ng D, Chan A, Dalci O, Petocz P, Papadopoulou AK, Darendeliler MA. A pilot study of laser energy transmission through bone and gingiva. Journal of American Dental Association 2018, 149:704-711.

Ng D, Chan A, Dalci O, Petocz P, Papadopoulou AK, Darendeliler MA. The effect of low-level laser therapy on orthodontically induced root resorption: a pilot double blind randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2018, 40: 317-325.

Ng D, McNee C, Kieser J, Farella M. Neck and shoulder muscle activity during work-related postural tasks. Applied Ergonomics Journal 2014, 42: 556-563

Ng D, De Silva RK, Smit R, De Silva H, Farella M. Facial attractiveness of skeletal Class II patients before and after mandibular advancement surgery as perceived by people with different backgrounds. European Journal of Orthodontics 2013, 35: 515-520

Ng D, Wong AYC, Liston PN. Multidisciplinary approach to implants: a review. New Zealand Dental Journal 2012; 108, 124-128

Ng D, McNee C, Kieser J, Farella M. Neck and shoulder muscle activity during dentistry related postural tasks (abstract). NZDA News, Volume 157, December 2011 pg 43

International Speaker

Invited Speaker

Shaping Smiles, Shaping Lives – Navigating Interceptive Orthodontics for General Dentists. Presented at the FDI World Dental Congress, Sydney (2023).

Insta-Straight: Can accelerated tooth movement help Generation Now? Presented at the Australian Society of Orthodontists Foundation of Research and Education Meeting Melbourne (2018)

Lasers in orthodontics- Is it Worth the Hype – Presented at the Australasian Begg Society of Orthodontics, Broome (2016)

The effects of low-level laser therapy on orthodontic root resorption and pain management: a pilot study- Presented at the European Society of Orthodontists Congress in Stockholm, Sweden (2016)

Low-level laser therapy in orthodontics -is it worth the hype? – Presented at the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Annual Session – Orlando (2016)

Delving beneath the hype: Lasers and accelerated tooth movement – What is the evidence? – Presented at the Australian Orthodontic Congress- Melbourne (2016)

“Blinded versus unblinded evaluations of orthodontic outcome: does it make a difference?” – Co-authored with Professor Mauro Farella and presented by Professor Farella at the European Orthodontic Society Congress, (Spain, 2012).

“Metastatic lesions to the oral cavity” – Presented at the New Zealand Society of Hospital and Community Dentistry Conference (2012).

“Case studies of oral cancers in our own backyard – Presented to the Taranaki Branch of the NZDA (2012).

“Wisdom teeth for medical professionals” – Presented at Taranaki Base Hospital (2012)

“Improvements of facial and profile attractiveness following mandibular advancement surgery as perceived by different groups of people with varying backgrounds” – Presented at the University of Otago (2011)



Research posters presented at:

European Orthodontic Society Congress (2012)

  • Improvements of facial and profile attractiveness after class II mandibular advancement surgery as perceived by groups with different background
  • Neck and shoulder muscle activity during dentistry-related postural tasks.


American Association of Orthodontists Annual Congress (Orlando, 2016)

The Australian Society of Orthodontists Foundation for Research and Education Conference (2016, 2012, 2011)

Australiasian Begg Society of Orthodontic Conference (2016, 2014)

The New Zealand Society of Orthodontists Conference (2011)

Experience the Difference with Dr. Doreen



Education Details

Volunteer Work

Worked as a volunteer dentist with Smile High in Nepal

Worked as a volunteer dentist with One-2-One Charitable Trust in Cambodia

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